Triangle Fraternity of the University of Nebraska - Lincoln

A social fraternity for

Engineers, Architects, and Scientists.

“Unless another century brings with it more friendship, more brotherly love than we have today, we will be no richer than we are now. Progress is not all material and development is not all commercial. Wealth is not all financial. With all these things minus friendship, man will shrivel up and blow away in the wind. With none of these things, man will still trudge along cheerfully if he has friendship. If we win the crown for which we strive, it will not be because we have used our trowels and compasses to erect bridges and factories and towering structures of the world; it will be because we have taken the plans of that great Architect and have followed with scrupulous care the blueprints He drew for all structures — Brotherhood.”

— Arthur Schwerin, 1937 Founder’s Day Address